Years, Tears, and Fears

Twas the Beginning of Another New Year

When all through the house

Not a creature was stirring,

Not even The Spouse.

Photo by Lisa on

Grievances were hung

By the chimey with care,

In self-righteousness,

hurt, and a little despair.

The children were nestled

All snug in their beds,

While visions of parties

Danced in their heads.

And I in my jammies drank a nightcap,

Hubby snored his loudest despite the new app,

When out on the lawn

there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my recliner

To see what was the matter!

Christmas was spent with its every red scent

Christmas was over, along with my every red cent!

There to the doorway I tripped like a flash.

The waning moon on the breast
Of the freshest green grass
Gave me to wonder
If I was being an ass,
For what to my wondering
eyes should appear?

But a bonfire, family, and friends once so dear.

Both ornery and loving,

Most crazy, some smart:

I saw family and friends,

Even those pandemically apart.

I jumped back inside,

Donning a robe, gave a whistle;

Strode through the doorway

(Trying hard not to bristle).

AGAIN!.. but what to my wondering eyes should appear?

“As dry leaves before the wild hurricane fly,

When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,”

Photo by Ken Cheung on

The bonfire was burning away every tear!

Tho’ 2021 was an even worse year,

Every suffering, loss, hurt and pain

Was flying away—like Aragorn’s bane!

The fire with Emmanuel’s Love shone:

Reflecting the dear ones, once so alone.

And as we drank, ate, smiled,

and burnt last year’s “trash,”

We watched all our fears turning to ash.

We toasted, we roasted, we even kissed

—served up apologizies sadly, so nearly missed–

We all heard our hearts speak in embers’ final glow

 And whispering to both young and to the great old:

“Happy New Year to all,

And to all a Good Fight,

 for adventures begin here:

Let this goodly gold light 

take away the cold of Today’s dark and fright.

May this silver, waning moon

Give you promising sight.”

There’s no room for grudges, there’s no room for fears,

The room is a stable and it wipes away tears.

The curtain, opened to eternity last–

Their wrongs are gone; yours are long past.

To heal we first feel–to heal we must deal–

Let us forgive–I repeat–then we can heal.

And it is right here—this place—first, we must kneel.”

NEW YEAR: Be brave! Courageous: take up the sword,

to battle as in long days past,

but this in quiet strength–from anger do fast

and do so with love but not power,

that we may be saved in this late hour.

About Lori T

Lori is a Canadian who graduated from an American high school in East Africa. She is a Houston-based writer and professor on a mission to bring joy and advice to life’s challenges. She travels and lives all over the world and loves to laugh and dance!
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